How can I track my order?

Whenever an order you placed through ships, you can expect a shipment confirmation email with all your tracking details. It will be sent to the email address registered with your Account, or used during the checkout process.

What shipping speeds are offered?

For all international deliveries, the time taken is dependent on our logistics partners and their affiliates. However, rest assured that your order is safely on its way and may track its status.

My package has been shipped but they have not delivered it yet. Why?

Please contact the shipper to obtain further status on your packages. The priority of delivery within the method of shipment chosen is determined by your shipper. would always like for your packages to be delivered ASAP. If the shipper is holding them, please contact them.

What should I do if an item is delivered damaged?

If the item appears to have obvious damage by the shipper, immediately tell the driver you do not want to receive this package. If the damaged package was left or someone else signed for it, there is a grace period of around 3 days to file the damage claim. If a package looks suspiciously damaged, you can tell the driver to wait and open it to make sure the contents are not damaged and then if they are refuse the package claiming the damage. Obtain a control number from the shipper and contact us at If the item appears to be damaged straight from the manufacturer, immediately contact us. Always make sure to get the shipper's damage package control number for your claim

What should I do if an item is missing from my order?

Check the amount of tracking numbers you should have received. Verify you have received all boxes and checked all packing material for small items. If you are still missing an item(s), contact our customer service at Are shipping costs added cumulatively for each item I order or do they reduce when multiple items are purchased? When you order multiple items, most of the time the shipping is reduced in your shopping cart, according to weight and size, safety and insurance required. On certain items, due to significant shipping discounts offered by on the item, the shipping will add cumulatively, unless multiple items are purchased. Shipping charge is always per the website.

Taxes, Duties & Tariffs

For all international orders, you will need to pay for all import taxes, duties and tariffs (if any) as per your country’s governing laws in order to clear customs.


Time to mentioned on our website against each item is indicative and approximate values only and somtimes due to situations beyond our control,delays may occur.Norefund,returns,replacement and exchange will be entertained for this reason.

If,for any reason,there is going to be a delay in shipping because a item is out of stock or if there is an unusual delay in filling an order,we will notify you by e-mail.

However any dates for delivery are approximate only and we are not liable for any delay in delivering your order or any part of it.We may choose to deliver your order in separate parts. In some cases we may offer to refund you for unfulfilled part of the order.